Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Review: Magonia by Maria Dahvana Headley

Title: Magonia
Author: Maria Dahvana Headley
Genre: Young Adult, Paranormal Fantasy
Source: HarperCollins via Edelweiss

Maria Dahvana Headley's soaring YA debut is a fiercely intelligent, multilayered fantasy where Neil Gaiman's Stardust meets John Green's The Fault in Our Stars in a story about a girl caught between two worlds . . . two races . . . and two destinies.

Aza Ray Boyle is drowning in thin air. Since she was a baby, Aza has suffered from a mysterious lung disease that makes it ever harder for her to breathe, to speak--to live. So when Aza catches a glimpse of a ship in the sky, her family chalks it up to a cruel side effect of her medication. But Aza doesn't think this is a hallucination. She can hear someone on the ship calling her name.

Only her best friend, Jason, listens. Jason, who's always been there. Jason, for whom she might have more-than-friendly feelings. But before Aza can consider that thrilling idea, something goes terribly wrong. Aza is lost to our world--and found, by another. Magonia.

Above the clouds, in a land of trading ships, Aza is not the weak and dying thing she was. In Magonia, she can breathe for the first time. Better, she has immense power--but as she navigates her new life, she discovers that war between Magonia and Earth is coming. In Aza's hands lies fate of the whole of humanity--including the boy who loves her. Where do her loyalties lie?
Review by Nara

Wow, what an odd novel.

Not going to lie, I was confused for at least the first third of the book. I think this is because the idea of the story is just so new it took a while for me to get used to it. Aza is a member of certainly the oddest race of creatures I've ever encountered in any book, Young Adult or otherwise. Apparently the book is based on a French folk tale about a race of creatures who live in the sky. Seriously, where the heck would you even have heard about this folk tale? And then twist it so that it's this weird! Such a unique idea.

An aspect that perhaps wasn't so favourable was the romance. I actually didn't mind the romance between Aza and Jason, because it was one of those best friends become something more sorts of romances (complicated by Aza's illness and poor prognosis). It was clear that the two had some sort of chemistry going on, and that was an easy relationship to ship. On the other hand, in the second half of the book, there's this other character who is introduced whose sole role seems to be as a love interest for Aza (and not even that good of one to be honest). I didn't really like that he never seemed to be developed beyond that, particularly because it seemed like he could be quite an interesting character. Oh well, sequels, I guess.

One place where Magonia shines is the writing. The writing is just beautiful. I can see why a lot of people have compared it to Daughter of Smoke and Bone, because it definitely has the same lyrical, flowing quality. Add the writing to the creative premise and the book is really one that's unique. Please do give it a read if you're looking for something fresh in YA.

Really liked it

Overall: 8/10
Plot: 4/5
Romance: 3.5/5
Writing: 5/5
World Building: 3/5
Characters: 4/5
Cover: 4/5

Comments (16)

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I literally just finished reading this one today! And... if I'm being honest I really don't know WHAT to think about it. Part of me is like, "Well, that was pretty cool." Then the other part of me is says, "What the HELL did I just read?!" BUT. It was very beautifully written--and I enjoyed the wit and humor of the main character. I agree, though. Jason and Aza's romance just...didn't appeal to me. Lovely review!
My recent post Top Ten Tuesday || Books I Can’t Believe I Haven’t Read Yet
1 reply · active 494 weeks ago
It's such a bizarre book! I don't even know how she came up with the ideas haha
My recent post Review: The Devil You Know by Trish Doller
Okay what, I literally just found out this was a fantasy. THIS WHOLE time I thought it was a YA contemporary, I need a moment to sit in a corner and think about my life. Okay, seriously, I'm excited to read this and it's great to know the writing is engaging. I'll be wary of the romance, even though it might ruin the book for me...or not. Great review, Nara!
1 reply · active 494 weeks ago
haha the cover looks like a fantasy though! Plus it's blurbed by Neil Gaiman- a sure sign that it's a fantasy XD
My recent post Review: The Devil You Know by Trish Doller
I KEEP HEARING GOOD THINGS ABOUT THIS BOOK! I actually checked it out of the library but had to return it because I didn't have ANY time to read at that time :/

I am sad that there seems to be a love triangle in the book, especially in the second half but with everything else I've heard about the book, I think it would definitely still be worth reading!

Great review, Nara! :)
My recent post Top 5 Underhyped Books on My Summer and Fall TBR
1 reply · active 494 weeks ago
Aw man, you definitely need to check it out again haha. Both your cobloggers really liked it too XD
It's weird, because it's kiiiind of not a love triangle? Like, it's pretty obvious it's going to be one love interest in the romance, and the other one is kind of just there to look hot sort of thing. Idk haha
My recent post Review: The Devil You Know by Trish Doller
Yes, this book was pretty odd but so great because of it! I loved how refreshing the premise was and loved the MC! She had such a great humour xD

Lovely review, Nara <33
My recent post Review: Burn by Paula Weston
1 reply · active 494 weeks ago
Definitely a really bizarre premise! Authors come up with such interesting ideas these days haha
My recent post Review: The Devil You Know by Trish Doller
Awesome review! The premise for this book sounds so incredibly unique, and I've been DYING to read this book. Hell, I've been staring at it since I went to the launch event a few months ago, and I can't believe I haven't read it yet. I'm so glad you liked it though =D
My recent post Interview with Amie Irene Winters, Author of Strange Luck
3 replies · active 491 weeks ago
It's definitely a very unique book! Haven't really encountered such strange paranormal creatures before haha
My recent post Review: The Potion Diaries by Amy Alward
My co-blogger just finished reading it yesterday and she liked it but thought it was super "unique".. she said the writing style wasn't her favorite because the author used random symbols and stuff, which she didn't particularly enjoy.
I can't deny it was a bit odd- took a while for me to get into it at the start actually, just because it was so bizarre :P
My recent post Reviews: Viral Nation by Shaunta Grimes and All My Secrets by Sophie McKenzie
I love that Magonia is based off a folk tale, that's just the kind of thing I adore- it was bizarre and so unique and original and just the kind of thing I wanted to read. I'm glad you enjoyed it, too, Nara, although it sounds like it might have been almost too bizarre for you at times! I really liked he creativity of it, though, and how it's set in our world but also not.
Lovely review! xx
My recent post That time I took my puppy to the seaside. In winter.
1 reply · active 493 weeks ago
It's definitely very bizarre! Once I got used to it, it was pretty great though :)
My recent post Review: The Potion Diaries by Amy Alward
It's definitely a very interesting book! Worth reading if just for the uniqueness :)
My recent post Reviews: Viral Nation by Shaunta Grimes and All My Secrets by Sophie McKenzie

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