Thursday, November 28, 2013

Books that I can't seem to finish

My worst bookish habit would hands down have to be my inability to finish books that I'm not loving. If I'm reading a book and it isn't ticking my boxes, or I'm getting frustrated with characters or authors that drag out plot lines, or there's too much plot and not enough romance, or there's too much romance and not enough plot, or basically any out of a whole plethora of reasons that cause me to figuratively chuck my book at a wall, I'm terrible at persevering. I end up with a mound of books I partially start, such that the books I do end up finishing are usually 4 or 5 stars, and hence the ones I end up reviewing are usually 5 stars.

But today I thought I'd just feature some of the books that I've struggled with in the past few weeks, to see other people's opinions of them, and whether I've been a bit harsh and should give them another go!

By Chantelle

Title: Unteachable Author: Leah Raeder Genre: New Adult Romance

This books started off so well for me! I thought the narrative voice was hilarious and intelligent, and I loved the opening carnival chapter. But as the novel progressed, and the tension and angst built, I felt the relationship escalated way too quickly to the 'dependent' stage and plateaued.

DNF at 53%

Title: Seige and Storm Author: Leigh Bardugo Genre: Adult Romance

I was a huge fan of Shadow and Bone but I can't seem to bring myself to support Alina in this novel. I'm finding the plot too far-fetched, Alina's ambitions too selfish. Her complete disregard for these ancient mythical creatures is really bothering me, so when the second one dropped and she started targeting the third...

DNF at 25%

Title: Left Drowning Author: Jessica Park Genre: New Adult Romance

I love Jessica Park. Well, I loved her novel Flat-Out Love. However Left Drowning  is a 'mature' romance, i.e. written during the craze for detailed sex scenes, and it's on the backdrop of a very depressed protagonist. It's a mixture of not wanting to be disappointed by this book, and not wanting to be depressed myself that's holding me back.

DNF at pg. 26/399

Title: The Collector Author: Victoria Scott Genre: Young Adult Paranormal

I picked this one up (and put it down) a long time ago. Despite it having, in my opinion, one of the best marketing slogans this year - "2013 belongs to Dante" - I just couldn't get into it. I found the male narrative voice really cheesy, and decided not to push through.

Title: The Way of Shadows Author: Brent Weeks Genre: Epic Fantasy

This book is BAD ASS!!! I really enjoyed it despite it's lack of romance. The writing is detailed, addictive and thoroughly engaging. Brent Weeks is fearless with his plot, and merciless in it's execution. However, it's really really long, and it was getting quite scary, because even though there are 2 more books in the series, I legit thought the main character was going to die and I couldn't handle the epicness.

DNF nearish towards the end. Can't remember, I returned it to the library.

Title: Blush Author: Lauren Jameson Genre: Adult Romance

I received this one for review a long time ago, and I've tried so hard to finish it I swear! My dilemma is, I can't pin point anything that's wrong with it. It's not completely ridiculous, the characters aren't overly annoying, the romance is pretty stock standard, so you'd think I could just read it and be done with it. But for some reason, it's terrifically boring. I don't even know why. I just can't seem to read more than a few chapters before dozing or switching books.

(latest) DNF at pg 166/277

Please if you've read any of these and can shed some light, please do! 
If not, are you struggling with any books yourself?


  1. I loved The Collector! Don't know how far you got, but if you have time, pick it back up and try it again. Go read my review here

    1. I didn't get very far at all before I put it down, think it might've been my mood that day, thanks for your review Lisa! :)

  2. Wow, you have two books here that I plan to read (the Collector and Siege and Storm, but I have yet to read Shadow and Bone first). It's a bit refreshing to hear a blogger talk about the books that they didn't finish as there can be soooooo much hype around certain books that there's no way the books are going to live up to everyone's expectations.

    1. Thanks Ciara! I'm definitely feeling the pressure of the hype around Siege and Storm haha. It's so dangerous going into a book with expectations because it sets up 2 reactions: either I LOVED IT TOO, or a nope I didn't see it.

  3. I have been finishing most books I read nowadays; however, this was not always the case. In fact, I rarely said that I stopped reading the book. I would just say that I was putting the book on the back burner and I would come back to it at some point. Sometimes I did (sometimes years later) and sometimes...well they are just still on the back burner. :)

    1. haha "Back burner", I like that! TBR lists are just so long... I always forget to go back to them -_-"

  4. I really like the idea of this post, I tend to DNF a lot of books too! I'm really sorry you couldn't finish Siege and Storm! Alina did get frustrating in that one but STURMHOND. YOU MUST MEET STURMHOND. That is all.

    1. hahahahhahaha Nara keeps telling me Sturmhond as well!!!! I think I'll have to finish Siege and Storm just for him. I do like Mal though ;)

  5. Siege and Storm makes me a bit sad :( This book worked great for me, but I think that's because I support Alina (and I freaking love Sturmhond!) I hope you'll give it another shot once, perhaps it's just not the right book now :D

    1. haha yeah, don't worry, I think I'll be finishing this one in my next spare moment. I really have to meet this Sturmhond guy properly! ;)

  6. How did you drop Way of Shadows? o.O I wasn't physically able. I bought the trilogy as a box set and read the whole thing in a week ^^''
    I understand the not wanting to get depressed through reading a book thing with Left Drowning though. I haven't read that particular book but I've experienced the feeling elsewhere and sometimes it's better to step back for a while.

    1. hahahahha Carmen, I do not know! When I grow a backbone, it'll be the first book that I'll be picking up again!

  7. Wow, that's quite a lot of DNF. And Unteachable is on my tbr, so now I'm a little afraid of what will happen when I reach that " 'dependent' stage".

    1. yeah :\ haha I've heard a lot of people really like the angst associated with that stage but it just wasn't for me. I'll be interested in your thoughts when you get around to reading it :)

  8. Thank you SO MUCH for mentioning Siege and Storm! I didn't enjoy it as much as I enjoyed Shadow and Bone and Alina became so power hungry! I finished it and the ending was a little annoying but I recommend you finish it because there are some cool side characters and I want to make sure Alina gets what she deserves in the next novel haha :)

    1. YES!! OKAY, DEAL! There better be some huge consequences for all her ambitions or me and you will cut a bitch haha By cool side characters do you mean Sturmhond? I'm hearing a lot of love for Sturmhond haha

  9. I can understand what you mean about Alina being power-crazed in Siege and Storm. I don't like it, but I can kind of understand it. I feel like it is a side effect of her becoming this super power and having a huge responsibility to her people, and the pressure has manifested in this way.

    I have been wanting to pick up The Collector, but I usually struggle with male POV, so I've been putting it off.

    1. Thanks for the insight Arial! That's definitely a way of looking at it that hadn't occurred to me before. I do hope there are some sort of consequences for Alina though haha

      I struggle with male POVs too, especially when it's the same story from the male POV, those kill me.

  10. Oh no, there's heaps of great books here that other people have recommended that you DNF'd, including The Collector and Siege and Storm. Sometimes when we feel it's not for us, that's what happens though!

    Jeann @ Happy Indulgence

    1. yeah... I think I went into them with the wrong mindset so I'll try again another time :) Thanks Jeann!

  11. Wow haha I guess maybe we aren't super compatible... I loved and finished (obviously lol) UNTEACHABLE and SIEGE AND STORM. I gave both 5 stars and I don't give out 5 stars that often! But that's okay haha :) I definitely have my fair share of DNF books.

  12. Out of the mentioned books here, I've only read Shadow and Bone. And because I wasn't impressed by it, I think Siege and Storm will have to wait for a long long time to be read. What really irked me about the first book was Alina. She's too whiny and a day would cry if she forget to spend a time belittling herself. I think she was really self-centered though in her weird way.

    And after reading this, I know that I'm going to demote book 2 further in my TBR shelf. I can't already stand Alina in the first book. How much more when her self-centeredness has gone full blown in book 2?

  13. I haven't read any of those! But I want to read The Collector and Siege and Storm. I don't have a lot of DNF's...I haaaate unfinished books. Drives me bonkers! But it does lead me to giving out a lot of star ratings. I find, if I read a book that's making me angry, I just angrier as I keep reading it. Um...I should probably DNF, but my poor OCD soul will baulk.
